By far the most confusing and requested serve in tennis.
At every camp I run there are a handful of people asking me, "When can you show me the kick serve? I really want to get it."
I had one gentleman in Texas named Steve hound me the entire weekend.
He had an excellent serve actually, it was by far the best at the camp.
Steve had the heater and learned to Serve the Curve the year before at my Newcombe Ranch Consistency Camp.
The only thing missing to make his serve the complete package was the Sick Kick.
His first couple of attempts were really bad.
No bite and No Kick.
Like most students, his Kick Serve was actually more of a weak slice.
Then I took him through this one progression I am going to share with you and just like Magic the Sick Kick appeared!
The next think to appear was a BIG smile on his face.
He finally could feel the elusive kick and knew exactly what he needed to work on to complete his serve arsenal!