Can my child really improve watching online summer camp video lessons?
The answer is 1000% yes for so many reasons!
1. Visual learning is so powerful. Our eyes can register 36,000 visual messages per hour. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.
2. How Muscle Memory Works. Muscle Memory is a process of reorganizing and rewiring our nerves to make the brain/body connection stronger, faster and more accurate.
When we practice a new movement over and over again, we are literally “grooving” a new neural pathway within our central nervous system.
3. Short Learning Burst Is the Best Way to Learn. Research conducted by Paul Kelley, honorary research associate at Oxford University, shows
traditional learners only remembered 78% of the material presented in the first half of an hour-long lecture, but by the second-half, they only remembered 22%.
This suggests that shorter lectures are more effective for student recall.
What this means for those involved in the expanding adult learning market is that shorter lessons, with frequent breaks and creative activities, are the most effective way of ensuring that learners get the most from their learning experience.